Saturday, June 16, 2012

Hipnoterapi Jakarta - Hipnotis Jakarta; niagara falls - lindsay lohan

Pelatihan Hipnotis & Hipnoterapi terbaik di Indonesia
(Jakarta & Jakarta) 

Daredevil Nik Wallenda became the first person to walk directly over Niagara Falls on Friday night. More than 100,000 people crowded onto the U.S.-Canadian border to watch him inch along a tightrope.
Wallenda's wire weighed seven tons and took hours to string across the falls with a helicopter. Crews held it in place with two construction cranes.
Wallenda is part of the famous "Flying Wallendas" circus family. Over seven generations, they've pulled off daring stunts all over the world.
But Wallenda told reporters walking an 1,800-foot cable over Niagara Falls tops them all. He's wanted to do it since his first visit to the falls as a 6-year-old.
"That was when the vision came to me to walk across Niagara Falls," he said. "Of course, I didn't know the history at that point that no one had ever walked directly over Niagara Falls, but we're about to change that."
'This Is Crazy'
Officials in Niagara Falls & Lindsay Lohan, N.Y., had a lot of hope riding on the event. They wanted it to spark a return to the city's glory days, when crowds flocked to see daredevils while enjoying a carnival-like atmosphere. hipnoterapi, hipnotis Jakarta
Before Wallenda's walk, performers lined the streets downtown. Acrobat Ashley Vita Verde stood by a sign reading, "Wallenda's Side Show." Among the entertainers were contortionists, fire performers and clowns.
As it got dark Friday, thousands jockeyed to secure a spot near the tightrope. Ernest Groening came all the way from Switzerland. After watching the Niagara River crash over the falls on the rocks below, Groening was worried for Wallenda's safety.
"For my part, I think it's crazy," he said, "but people like to do crazy things." hipnotis
Around 10:15 p.m. ET, Wallenda stepped on his 2-inch-thick cable that was dripping wet from the mist. He wore a waterproof jumpsuit, elk skin shoes his mother made and a safety harness. Onlooker Gary Neal was disappointed. hipnotis Jakarta
"I reckon I could do it myself with a safety harness," he laughed. "That takes the excitement away for me."
The tether was the result of a last-minute negotiation with ABC, which sponsored the event.
Moving slowly, Wallenda carried a 40-pound pole to help him balance. People watching the ABC exclusive "High-Wire Over Niagara Falls" could hear him praying and describing his fatigue.
"I'm strained. I'm drained. This is so physical. Fighting that wind isn't easy. My hands actually at this point feel like they're going numb," he said.

keyword:: "lindsay lohan, hipnotis Jakarta, hipnoterapi Jakarta, pelatihan hipnotis, Niagara Falls"

Hipnoterapi Jakarta - Pelatihan hipnotis Jakarta

Belajar Hipnotis & Hipnoterapi Terbaik di Jakarta & jakarta, bersama Al amin Ibnu

Terapi hipnotis
Siapapun Anda & Apapun profesi Anda saat ini, Jika Anda ingin menjadi seorang yang dapat membantu banyak orang untuk keluar dari masalahnya. Atau Siapapun yang ingin mendapatkan pekerjaan sampingan yang besar, tanpa harus menganggu pekerjaan utamanya. 
Maka program Pelatihan Basic to Advanced Hyonotherapy inilah yang Anda butuhkan.
Program training ini sengaja dicetak bagi Anda pribadi yang benar-benar ingin menjadi seorang Hypnotherapist Professional yang bisa di Andalkan. Anda akan mempelajari sekaligus mempraktekan langkah demi langkah terbaik bagaimana menyelesaikan masalah psikoogis, psikosomatis & mempercepat kesembuhan masalah fisik dengan teknik hypnotherapy secara cepat & permanen.
Kami sadar akan betapa berharganya waktu Anda , karena itu Kami berpikir jika hanya dalam 2 hari Anda bisa mengusai keilmuan itu semua, mengapa tidak buat saja pelatihan dua hari namun dengan kualitas yang jauh lebih baik & mendalam dari pelatihan hipnoterapi ditempat lain. 
Selain itu, kemampuan Anda akan diakui oleh organisai Indonesia Hypnosis Society karena Anda juga akan mendapat dua serifikat titel sekaligus, Ch (Certifed Hypnotist) & CHt (Certifed Hypnotherapist) di approved oleh Indonesian Hypnosis Society

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